usage: venc [options] InputFileName [OutputFileName] InputFileName is "input wav file name" or "-"(standard input) [options](There are exclusive relations) -qVALUE This value sets audio quality-level. It is between -2 (low quality) and 10 (high quality). [VBR mode] -bVALUE This value sets tagets bitrate (in kbits). [ABR mode] [options] (Non-recommendation) -ub=VALUE Upper bitrate setting (in kbits) for "-b". -lb=VALUE Lower bitrate setting (in kbits) for "-b". -lowpass=VALUE Overwrite default low-pass filter setting. New low-pass filter value is between 2 and 99 (in kHz). -ibtune=VALUE This relatively changes the noise masking value of impulse block. This value is between -15 and 0. [options] -downmix If the input stream is stereo, the stream of stereo is converted into mono. -resample=VALUE The VALUE sets new sampling rate. -padding=VALUE This adds padding of VALUE (byte) to vorbis comment domain. -ignore_length The data length header is ignored. -i Display of this software information.